Linear Transformation or Vector Space Homomorphism
- Definition
Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces over the same field F. A linear transformation from U into V is a function of T from U into V.
- Condition of linear transformation
Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces over the same field F. A linear transformation from U into V is a function of T from U into V.
- T(aα + bβ) = aT(α) + bT(β)
∀ α and β in U and for all a,b in F.
- Linear operator
let V(f) be a vector space. A linear operator on V is a function T from V into V.
- T(aα + bβ) = aT(α) + bT(β)
for all α, β in V and a, b in F.
Thus T is a linear operator on V if T is a linear transformation from V into V itself.
Some particular Transformation
- Zero Transformation
let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces
T: U into V
T(α)=0 (∀ α ∈ U)
is a linear transformation from U into V.
Denoted by Ô(zero)
- Identity Operator
Let V(F) be a vector space. The function I from V into V such that
I(α) = α ∀ α∈V
- Negative of a linear transformation
Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces. Let T is a linear transformation from U into V.
(-T)(α) = -[T(α)] ∀α∈U
let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces
T: U into V
T(α)=0 (∀ α ∈ U)
is a linear transformation from U into V.
Denoted by Ô(zero)
Let V(F) be a vector space. The function I from V into V such that
I(α) = α ∀ α∈V
Let U(F) and V(F) be two vector spaces. Let T is a linear transformation from U into V.
(-T)(α) = -[T(α)] ∀α∈U
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