Salamander |
- RBCs (Red Blood Cells)Bone marrow is the main site for formation of RBCs But In the foetus, RBCs are mainly formed in liver.
- Blood is salty in taste.
- Blood is heavier than water.
- Haematology is the study of blood.
- PH of blood = 7.3-7.4
- PH of blood is maintained by balancing the ratio of sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid.
- Acidity of blood results hemoglobin to carry less oxygen.
- PH of blood in arteries is more than in veins.
- RBC is also known as erythrocytes.
- RBC of mammals are non-nucleated except camel.
- Salamander has largest RBC.(≈80micrometre in diametre).
- Musk deer has the smallest RBC (≈1.5micrometre).
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