Biology facts


  1. RBCs (Red Blood Cells)Bone marrow is the main site for formation of RBCs But In the foetus, RBCs are mainly formed in liver.
  2. Blood is salty in taste.
  3.  Blood is heavier than water.
  4. Haematology is the study of blood. 
  5. PH of blood =  7.3-7.4
  6. PH of blood is maintained by balancing the ratio of sodium bicarbonate and carbonic acid.
  7. Acidity of blood results hemoglobin to carry less oxygen.
  8. PH of blood in arteries is more than in veins.
  9. RBC is also known as erythrocytes.
  10. RBC of mammals are non-nucleated except camel. 
  11. Salamander has largest RBC.(≈80micrometre in diametre).
  12. Musk deer has the smallest RBC (≈1.5micrometre).

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